5 Health Benefits of Beets


Beets might be daunting to the uninitiated. They have knobby, blood-red skin and an earthy, rich scent. But making the effort to learn about this nutrient-dense root vegetable is definitely worthwhile.

“Beets are unique for their cardiovascular and heart health benefits,” says registered dietitian Sarah Thomsen Ferreira, RD. “Due to a combination of compounds found in beets, they are able to enhance blood flow, improve the health of arteries, support lower homocysteine levels and reduce LDL cholesterol.”

How nutritious are beets? 

Why are beets such treasures? In fact, the same substance that gives these root veggies their vibrant colors also provides you with a wealth of nutrients. The natural plant pigment known as betalains, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, gives beets their jewel-like color. 

Are you ready to start including beets in your soup or salad? The following are some justifications on why beets are a wonderful complement to your diet:

Numerous dietary advantages 

The humble beet is your best bet if you want something that is high in nutrients yet low in calories. Beets can be a tasty addition to salads, soups, and other daily meals, which can help you maintain a healthy diet. 

Beets are also a fantastic source of antioxidants, just like other purple fruits and vegetables. These organic substances shield your cells from harm and may even reduce your risk of developing conditions like cancer and heart disease.

Numerous Dietary Advantages 

The humble beet is your best bet if you want something that is high in nutrients yet low in calories. Beets can be a tasty addition to salads, soups, and other daily meals, which can help you maintain a healthy diet. 

Beets are also a fantastic source of antioxidants, just like other purple fruits and vegetables. These organic substances shield your cells from harm and may even reduce your risk of developing conditions like cancer and heart disease.

Inflammatory-Reducing Qualities 

Numerous disorders, including Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma, and obesity are associated with persistent inflammation in the body. Fortunately, beets' high betalain concentration confers a variety of anti-inflammatory advantages. 

Beets in juice form are the best way to acquire all this nutrition. Trust us, it tastes better than you might expect. 

Beet juice, according to studies, lessens inflammation throughout your entire body. In a 2014 study, it was discovered that betalain capsules containing beetroot extract reduced osteoarthritis-related joint discomfort. To fully understand the effect of betalain capsules on osteoarthritis, more research is necessary.

High In Fiber 

Increase your intake of fiber by including beets in your diet. Beetroot has 3.8 grams of fiber in only one cup. 

Additionally, fiber has a wealth of health advantages. You may manage your blood sugar levels, keep a healthy weight, lower your cholesterol, and stay regular with the aid of fiber. Additionally, a fiber-rich diet may lower your chance of developing diseases like colon cancer, heart disease, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBS).

Very Nitrate-Rich 

Thomsen Ferreira says, "Nitrates in beets aid to expand blood arteries. That may enhance physical prowess and brain function in addition to lowering blood pressure. 

According to research, consuming beet juice before working out will boost your cardiorespiratory endurance, enabling you to work out for longer. This is due to the fact that nitric acid, which is produced by your body from the nitrates in beets, stimulates blood flow. This strengthens muscle contraction while simultaneously improving lung function. 

More studies on this powerful vegetable suggest that the nitrates in beets are also responsible for helping people with hypertension control their blood pressure. In fact, research has found that beet juice lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 

Additionally, a diet high in nitrates has been related to enhanced brain performance. Nitrates help to expand blood vessels, which increases blood flow to the brain and is good for cognitive performance.

Excellent Potassium Source 

According to Thomsen Ferreira, beets and beet greens are a good source of potassium. Potassium adds another advantage for circulatory and heart health by assisting in the creation of more flexible blood vessels that lower blood pressure. These are all essential for health, and beets are a great source of all of them!

Benefits of Beet's Vibrant Color 

A colorful diet is one that is nutritious. Different plant nutrients correspond to different plant hues. Beets are one of the few sources of betalains, special plant compounds that come in a variety of forms, as was previously described. 

Betacyanins, a kind of betalain, are especially abundant in red and purple beets. 

Beets that are yellow or golden are rich in betaxanthins, a distinct kind of betalain. (FYI: Crimson beets can cause your urine to turn red; if that scares you, reach for these yellow or golden varieties instead.) 

The deep, rich color of beet greens indicates that they are loaded with nutrients. According to Thomsen Ferreira, "they're a really excellent source of beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin for eye and visual health and absolutely not something to discard." Consider methods to utilize the entire beet, such as in a salad or when sautéing it.

Eating beets: A Guide 

Here are some other ways to include beets in your diet now that you know why they are the best: 

Turn the can opener. 

Beets in a can are as simple as it gets. For a salad with goat cheese and walnuts, slice them up. Or combine them with hummus to make a lovely pink dip. Additionally, if you don't like the taste of beets, adding them to a smoothie can help mask the flavor if you combine them with other components. Choose canned beets without extra salt if at all possible. 

Get your oven ready. 

Beets' earthy-sweet deliciousness is brought out when they are roasted. Even better: Consider chopping them into tiny pieces and baking them to create crispy beet chips. 

Take a glass. 

Beet juice lacks the fiber found in whole beets. Thomsen Ferreira points out that juice can be a wonderful method to increase beets if you're utilizing them for a mental or physical boost. Beet juice is sold in most supermarket stores. Even powdered beet juice supplements are available in grocery or vitamin stores' fitness sections. 

Beets: Are there any drawbacks? 

A word of caution before you start consuming a lot of beets: beets are high in oxalates, which can cause kidney stones. It's better to consume beets and beet greens in moderation if you have kidney stones. 

Oxalates aren't a problem for the majority of healthy people, though. You can't beat beets as part of a healthy, diversified diet.

Tiffany Allegro